Visit to Strasbourg, France

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Strasbourg, Christmas Capital

      We have heard so much about the Christmas markets in Europe from family and friends.  Everyone told us we have to go see the Christmas market at Strasbourg as it is the oldest one in Europe, having existed since 1570.  Before flying to Paris, we have purchased tickets on the TGV or very high speed train from Paris to Strasbourg.  Like everything else on this trip, our plans were disrupted by the strike of the railways workers that started on December 5, 2019, one day before our arrival.  Initially, our plan was to leave Paris after 4 days and to go by train to Strasbourg for the last 4 days of the trip.  Thong started to check availability of the trains as soon as we arrived in Paris.  As expected, the tickets were cancelled 2 days before the departure date and the money refunded to us.  Luckily, Thong was able to book us on one of the  2 trains scheduled to depart Paris to Strasbourg each day versus 5-6 trains on the regular schedule before the strike.  We did have to go on the very earliest train at 8 AM which arrived to Strasbourg at 10 AM.  If we had to drive to Strasbourg from Paris, it would easily take 6 hours or more depending on traffic.  We were exceedingly grateful to be able to get the train tickets.  

      It was raining lightly when we arrived to Strasbourg.  The train station was situated just across the bridge to the city historic center, the Grande Ile.  Security was tight for the pedestrians.  All bags, purses, suitcases were opened and checked.  There was a shooting at the Christmas market in 2018 so the police and canine units were making the rounds all over the island.  We rent an airbnb apartment just at the entrance to the island.  It was  still occupied when we got there so we had to wait until 3 pm to check in.  We stored the luggage in the locker at the train station.  We rent a large locker that fitted all our suitcases, carry-ons, back packs.  Unfortunately, we forgot the umbrellas in the back packs too.  On our train trip, Thong got an email that our return tickets to Paris from Strasbourg were cancelled.  It took another hour and a half in line at the counter to obtain tickets back to Paris.  Our initial tickets were for the direct flight from Strasbourg to Charles de Gaulle airport.  Unfortunately, that train was cancelled.  We only had one choice of leaving Strasbourg at 7 AM to Paris Gare de l’Est.  We were lucky to score 4 tickets in first class to go to Paris.  We just had to find things to do in Paris for 6 hours before our flight!  That shouldn’t be a difficult thing to do in Paris!

      The rain was just sprinkling so with our jackets, we were warm enough to cross into the island to visit the Christmas market of Strasbourg.  The island was only at the center of Strasbourg which is the ninth largest metropolitan areas of France and one of the 3 capitals of the European Union, along with Brussels and Luxembourg.  The first few stores we encountered were restaurants and bakeries.  The pastries and chocolates in the bakeries were mouth-watering.  The baguettes were amazing.  During the day we could see the decorations in the store fronts and above the streets.